When it comes to quitting a job, there are various ways to go about it. Some people choose to give notice in person while others opt to use an online platform. One of the most common methods of quitting involves text messaging. This is particularly useful for on-call workers who have to leave suddenly. Texting allows you to communicate with your boss without the hassle of a long phone call. However, there are a few things to consider when you decide to use this method.

First, you’ll need a good reason. Your reasons can be as simple as wanting a better job or as complex as a change in career. Regardless of your reasons, make sure you explain them clearly and in a concise manner. Keep your message positive and non-threatening. You don’t want to appear overly emotional or impulsive. Also, be certain to mention the date you plan to leave. A few days is a good minimum.

You should also give your employer a friendly farewell. Even if you’re not going to be there for a while, you can still show your appreciation for their assistance and support. The most important thing is to be honest and let them know that you’re moving on to better things.

gray goodbye friends board

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

If you’re giving notice over text, make sure that your messages are professional and well-thought-out. Avoid using slang or profanities. Be sure to include your contact information. It’s especially helpful to include a non-company email address as well.

Another thing to consider is whether or not you should hand deliver your resignation. While this may be the most logical and expedient option, it’s not always the best one. For example, you’ll need to have a good reason to tell your boss to give you a reference. And you may want to give your manager a chance to read it before you send it.

Taking the time to give your boss a proper goodbye can be a great way to keep your relations with them in good shape. Leaving on your own, though, is a terrible idea. Not only is it likely to draw a negative response from your employer, but you could be violating a legal contract or hurting your resume. Make sure that you genuinely plan to leave, though.

man writing on paper

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Finally, if you’re leaving on short notice, you might find it helpful to ask a friend or family member to proofread your resignation email before sending it. They can help you see if it’s missing any key details or if you’ve missed the obvious. Lastly, it’s a good idea to schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss why you’re quitting.

As with any type of job, it’s important to remember to do your research before you leave. Find out about your employment benefits, how you can get a reference, and what you can expect from your new company. These will help you avoid problems later on.

Quitting a job is never an easy decision to make. But with the right tools, you can do it without causing any major headaches.